Elderberry Baked Oatmeal With Blueberries: Insanely Good & Easy Breakfast Recipe

Easy elderberry baked oatmeal with blueberries

Not always up for cooking in the morning? Well, we’ve got you covered with this easy baked oatmeal recipe that’s equally delicious and nutritious!

Life can feel ridiculously busy, like all the time — right?

We tell ourselves, “Things will slow down after…” a holiday, a birthday, a wedding, a sports season. Yet, it doesn’t.

Once that thing is over, something else runs in and grabs that space for itself. The cycle just keeps going.

That’s why it’s so important to slow down when you can. But I also know, sometimes, you don’t have a choice in what you need to manage and what your calendar looks like.

Needless to say, because of the busyness — I’ve been skipping breakfast a little too often around here.

My body doesn’t appreciate it, and I know my kids are sick of cereal and toast. 

Why Breakfast Is So Important

You hear it all the time, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

My mom would tell me this while I was grabbing a granola bar and jetting out the door as fast as I could, so I didn’t miss the bus. As much as I hate admitting this, my mom was right.

Breakfast is very important.

Skipping breakfast can make you more likely to overeat later in the day. It can give you brain fog, the shakes and throw off your entire day causing you to make unhealthy choices.

Here’s what eating breakfast can do for your body:

  • Improve heart health
  • Give you energy for your day
  • Reduce brain fog
  • Good for your waistline

Basically, when you eat breakfast, you’re telling your body — there’s energy for the day.

This is where my Elderberry Baked Oatmeal with Blueberries Recipe comes into play. It feeds the entire family, it’s insanely good, easy to make, and loaded with nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. 

Healthy Baked Oatmeal 

This recipe, Elderberry Baked Oatmeal with Blueberries, is made only with wholesome ingredients — oats, nuts, pure maple syrup, elderberry syrup and blueberries. 

It’s also naturally gluten-free.

Just 8 ingredients, 15 minutes in the kitchen, one bowl and one baking pan. 

Doesn’t get easier than that!

Ingredients for Elderberry Baked Oatmeal Recipe

Since this recipe only calls for 8 simple ingredients… they might already be in your kitchen!

  • Old-fashioned Oats — I use sprouted gluten-free oats, but any type will do. Just be sure if you’re serving this to someone who can’t have gluten, buy oats that are certified gluten-free or there may be some cross-contamination.
  • Almond Milk — or milk of your choice: cow, oat, hemp, coconut, kefir
  • Eggs — go with large eggs and organic if you can
  • Pure Maple Syrup — a little goes a long way and it’s a healthy way to sweeten
  • Coconut Oil — you can substitute unsalted butter if you prefer
  • Organic Elderberry Syrup — choose syrup made with real ingredients like honey, warming spices and organic elderberries. Shop here.
  • Baking Powder — lifts it all up
  • Blueberries — frozen or fresh, whatever you fancy

Ingredients easy baked oatmeal with blueberries

Baked Oatmeal Notes & Tips

  • Have fun with add-ins. Flax seeds, chia seeds, coconut flakes, nuts, chocolate chips, you name it. Sprinkle on top before baking.
  • Flavor or allergy preferences? Switch them out. This recipe has great flexibility. Pick the milk you prefer, switch out the coconut oil for butter, change blueberries to apples. Skip the eggs and use flax eggs instead. It’s all up to you!

How to Make Elderberry Baked Oatmeal with Blueberries

Are you ready? Making Elderberry Baked Oatmeal with Blueberries is crazy easy.

And prep only requires one bowl!

1. Combine all ingredients (except blueberries) in a large mixing bowl and stir well.

2. Next, gently stir in ½ cup of blueberries.

3. Grease a 9x9 baking dish and pour the contents of the bowl in, then spread evenly.

4. Sprinkle with the remaining blueberries.

healthy blueberry baked oatmeal

5. Bake at 375ºF for 30-35 minutes. 

Enjoy by itself or top with greek yogurt. 

It's a recipe the entire family will love! It’s great to make ahead and do a quick reheat for busy mornings. 

It keeps my family full all morning — which says a lot because my boys are NEVER full. 

I love oatmeal, but now baked oatmeal is my absolute favorite. There’s just something about baking those warm spices and how the flavors come together. And I love that I can spoon a dollop of greek yogurt on top — then it feels like dessert, haha!

Can you tell I’m a sweets girl? But I’m not a fan of added sugar. 

That’s why there’s no added sugar, it’s only sweetened with a dab of pure maple syrup. 

easy elderberry baked oatmeal with blueberries

I know, I know. It doesn’t sound like this breakfast can get any tastier… right?

Well, you’re wrong. Meet my Organic Elderberry Syrup!

Organic Elderberry Syrup

Organic Elderberry Syrup is exactly what your immune system needs. 

It helps to fight off colds and the flu, boosts your entire immune system so you don’t get sick in the first place and delivers a healthy dose of vitamins and antioxidants. 

I’m always trying to find ways to get more elderberry syrup into my family’s diet. This might be my favorite way so far. 

By boosting this recipe with elderberry syrup, we’re taking it from delicious to insanely good. A recipe you’ll love to make again and again.

To Recap — This Elderberry Baked Oatmeal is:

  • A one-bowl kinda recipe
  • Made with no added sugar
  • Sweetened perfectly with natural sugars
  • Satisfying and comforting
  • Boosted with organic elderberry syrup
  • Packed with antioxidants
  • Insanely delicious
  • Adaptable for allergies and flavor preferences 

I know this is a breakfast recipe, but it also makes a healthy and easy lunch, dinner, brinner, or dessert. The choice is yours! 

baked oatmeal blueberries

🌟 Did you make this recipe?! We want to see it.

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