Natural Ways to Nourish Dry Skin in Colder Months

dry skin

How to naturally moisturize, hydrate and protect your dry skin during the winter months.

Let’s talk about something that always seems to sneak up on us when the temperature drops: dry skin. As soon as the weather gets cooler, it feels like our skin just gives up, right? 

It’s not only adults who feel it. My boys have to deal with it as well. Between the wind, the indoor heating and all those layers of clothing, their skin gets just as dry and flaky as mine. My boys are also known for scratching, which makes it even worse. 

Keeping everyone’s skin soft and smooth during the colder months is a real struggle, but I’ve learned a few tricks along the way.

So, if you’re tired of feeling like your skin is turning into sandpaper and searching for simple, natural ways to keep your family’s skin happy and hydrated — you’re in the right place. Let’s look at some easy tips to have your dry skin — and your kiddos’ skin — feeling nourished and cared for all winter.

What Causes Dry Skin in the Colder Months?

Isn’t it funny how the second we start bundling up, our skin feels like it’s in a desert? It’s like the cold weather just sucks all the moisture right out of us. But there’s actually a good reason for it. When the temperatures drop, so does the humidity in the air. That dry air pulls moisture from our skin, leaving it feeling tight, itchy and downright uncomfortable.

It’s not just the cold — indoor heating can be a culprit, too. I know we’re all cranking up the heat to stay cozy, but that warm air inside is often really dry, which adds to the problem. Your skin is constantly losing moisture, and before you know it, you’re all dealing with dry patches, flaky spots and that annoying tightness.

My boys notice it, too — especially after playing outside in the cold. Their cheeks get red and dry, and I always try to keep them moisturized. But don’t worry! Understanding why this happens is the first step in figuring out how to combat it, and I’ve got some great, natural ways to keep our dry skin soft and hydrated, no matter how chilly it gets outside.

Hydrate From the Inside Out

Alright, let’s start with the basics: hydration. I know it sounds simple, but drinking enough water is one of the best things we can do for our skin, especially in the colder months. It’s easy to forget to drink water when it’s chilly outside because we’re not sweating like in the summer. But staying hydrated is key to keeping our skin looking and feeling its best.

If plain water isn’t your thing when it’s cold, don’t worry. Warm herbal teas are a fantastic alternative. Herbal teas keep you hydrated and provide extra health benefits. Chamomile, Immunity Infusion, Soothing Elderberry or Golden Tea are great options to sip on throughout the day. 

What we eat is also important. Foods rich in healthy fats — like avocados, nuts and seeds — are like little gifts for our skin. Healthy fats help lock in moisture and keep our skin’s natural barrier strong. 

Plus, they’re delicious and super easy to add to your meals. These simple additions can make a big difference in how your skin feels whether you’re tossing some avocado slices on your salad or sprinkling nuts over your yogurt.

So, before we even get to the lotions and potions, let’s ensure we’re nourishing our skin from the inside out. 

Opt for Gentle, Natural Cleansers

Now, let’s talk about what we use to wash our skin. Harsh soaps can be your skin’s worst enemy in the colder months. They strip away natural oils, leaving you even drier than before. 

Trust me, I’ve been there — trying to keep my boys clean after a long day of playing outside, only to realize their skin was getting red and irritated from those store-bought body washes.

That’s why gentle, natural cleansers are the way to go. Look for products free from sulfates and harsh chemicals. Instead, opt for ingredients like honey, oatmeal or aloe vera. These ingredients are super soothing. Check out these natural body bars here.

If you’re feeling up for a little DIY, make a simple homemade cleanser with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Try mixing a tablespoon of raw honey with a bit of warm water and use it as a gentle face wash. It’s easy and effective.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

After cleansing, moisturizing is essential to keep your skin soft, smooth and protected against dry air. When choosing a moisturizer, natural options are the way to go. We love Attitude Lotion or straight virgin coconut oil.

Here’s my absolute favorite products to use in colder seasons: our Herbal Healing Salve. 

  • Herbal Healing Salve: This little jar is like a miracle worker for dry, irritated skin. With ingredients like calendula and comfrey, it’s designed to soothe and heal, making it perfect for any rough patches or areas that need some extra TLC. Plus, it’s gentle enough to use on the whole family, so I love keeping it handy for any of those surprise winter skin issues that pop up with the kids.

The key to keeping your skin happy during the colder months is consistency. Make moisturizing a part of your daily routine, and don’t be afraid to layer on those natural products. With the right moisturizer, your skin will stay soft, smooth and ready to take on whatever the season throws your way.

Protect Your Skin Outdoors

Let’s face it, no matter how much we try to stay cozy indoors, there are always those moments when we need to brave the cold. The cold, windy weather can be harsh on your skin whether it’s walking the dog, shuttling the kids to school or just getting some fresh air. That’s why protecting your skin when you’re outside is so important.

Start by layering up, and I’m not just talking about your clothes. Your skin needs some extra protection, too! Before heading out, apply a layer of our Herbal Healing Salve to any exposed skin. These products create a natural barrier that shields your skin from the elements while locking in moisture. So you can avoid dry skin during the colder months. 

Don’t forget to bundle up with gloves, scarves and hats. These keep you warm and help protect your skin from the biting wind and cold air. Here’s a little tip I’ve picked up: if your hands tend to get dry and cracked, apply a good layer of our Herbal Healing Salve before putting on your gloves. It’ll work its magic while you’re out, so your hands stay soft and smooth.

By taking these simple steps, you can help keep your skin healthy and happy, no matter how chilly it gets. So go on, mama, enjoy that brisk walk or a fun day in the snow with the kids. With these natural products, your skin’s got the protection it needs to stay soft and smooth all winter!

Products Designed to Support Your Health

Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Our health and home products support you every step of the way. We’ve got everything you need to keep your skin happy (goodbye, dry skin) and healthy during the colder months. Whether it’s the soothing power of our Magnesium Balm, the healing touch of our Herbal Healing Salve or the comforting tastes of our organic herbal teas. 

So take care of yourself, enjoy this cozy season and let our products help you and your family stay nourished and well while fighting off dry skin this fall and winter. You’ve got this!

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