Living holistically is more straightforward than you could ever imagine, and it can improve your overall health incredibly fast.
Lately, there’s a ton of buzz around the words “holistic living” and I couldn’t be more excited about it!
Finally, more and more people are looking at the entire picture of health and wellness by thinking about not just the body, but the mind and soul as well.
You might still be a little confused about what holistic living is or what that even looks like. We’re going to break that down and explain everything, so don’t feel overwhelmed. Let’s dig in!
What is Holistic Living?
Holistic living is a lifestyle that nourishes your body, mind, and soul.
I know, I know, it can sound a little hippie, but I promise you, it truly is life-changing. All three of these are intimately interconnected and should always be thought of as a whole.
There needs to be harmony between every moving piece in your life — connected and working together for a healthier you.
When you start to gain a holistic perspective, holistic living becomes second nature.
A holistic perspective means you can look at a sickness or a symptom you’re having and realize that it may be physical, mental or emotional. Because of the varying causes, each situation should be investigated for the root cause, so you can experience true healing.
It’s crucial to acknowledge that all three parts of your well-being (body, mind and soul) affect one another.
For example, if you’re stressed and full of anxiety (mind), when you go to bed you might struggle to fall asleep, leaving you depleted (body). This could lead you to withdraw from friends and family (soul) trying to recover and work through it all.
Let’s take a look at all three parts of your health in a little more detail.
Your Body
Tending to your body is one of the most important things you can ever do for yourself. You only have one, right? How you take care of it is going to determine the quality and length of your life.
This includes eating a nutrient-dense diet, getting good-quality sleep every single night, ditching the chemicals and toxins in skincare or cleaning products and prioritizing time in nature.
Your Mind
The mind can be responsible for so many health-related issues. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders and panic attacks are just a few. Many times, emotions are hidden away and never addressed, which can also lead to health issues.
Taking care of your mind can look like seeing a counselor or therapist, or practicing mindfulness techniques like gratitude journaling or prayer. Enjoying a long walk and clearing your head or reading a good book are a few more ideas!
Your Soul
This category usually gets lumped in with your mind, but it’s actually completely different. Your soul is what makes you, you.
Making time to develop and grow who you are and who you want to become is beneficial for your overall health. This could look like finding time for creativity or deepening connections around you with loved ones.
Another area to consider is your faith or your spirituality. Take time to dig into God’s word or join a bible study. Your soul needs your attention, otherwise, you’re just checking boxes and repeating one day after another.
What Are the Benefits of Holistic Living
There are so many benefits to adopting this lifestyle to help us feel connected to every part of ourselves. Here are a few benefits of holistic living you don’t want to miss out on:
- Improved physical health
- Balanced emotions
- Reduced levels of stress & anxiety
- Relief of chronic pain
- Increased joy & happiness
- Understanding our environment
- The desire for personal growth
- Growing closer in your faith
Living a happy and healthy life is what all of us want. Every choice we make will either help or hinder that dream.
How to Live a Holistic Lifestyle
When we talk about holistic living, we’re really just talking about how to live naturally. Simple, right? It’s supposed to be! It doesn’t have to be complicated at all.
Holistic living is a healthy and sustainable way of achieving a balanced and happy life. Taking a holistic approach means you’re looking at the “big picture”. It’s a way of life, a mindset.
What holistic living really means is living intentionally! Be intentional with your actions, words and thoughts.
It’s important to remember that this can look different for everyone. There isn’t a one-way approach, because what works for you might not work for your sister.
The thing that matters most is your willingness to achieve a balanced life and taking the small steps to get you there.
Keep in mind that living holistically isn’t something you practice once a year. It’s a decision to live intentionally consistently, day in and day out.
So how do you start living a holistic lifestyle? Here are ten easy ways you can start today.
1. Write Daily in a Gratitude Journal
Create a solid morning routine by writing three things you’re grateful for in a gratitude journal.
It positively impacts your entire day when you start by seeing the good things in your life. Journaling gives you the opportunity to look back and reflect anytime you need encouragement.
2. Take Walks Outside
Getting out in the sun and breathing fresh air does wonders not only for your body but for your mind and soul as well. You’re nourishing your body with vitamin D, helping to balance your circadian rhythm, boosting endorphins to help balance your mood and finding a place to quiet your mind.
3. Do What Makes You Happy
What brings you joy? What do you have a passion for? This could look like dancing, exercising, making crafts, drawing, or enjoying a girl's night out.
Whatever it is, if it brings you joy… do more of it! Make time to do things you enjoy, you won’t regret it, ever.
4. Be Proactive in Personal Growth
Are you growing in the ways you want to? Think about the future and figure out what you can control. Take responsibility for it and start moving forward.
Maybe you’re ready for a different role in your company, or you want to learn something new and do something different with your life. Take one step at a time and get started. These baby steps accumulate over time and can take you far in life.
5. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness means being present. It’s being aware of what’s going on right now in your life. It’s not looking to the future or dwelling in the past. It’s feeling the air go into your lungs, the grass beneath your feet and connecting with God in his abounding grace.
Try sitting somewhere peaceful and taking time to pray. Speak from your heart and feel all the emotions you were meant to feel.
6. Eat a Whole-Foods Diet
Eating whole foods can completely transform your body and your life. Sickness can disappear and energy can come rushing back.
Even your mind can be restored with the right foods. Skip out on processed foods or anything artificial. Learn more about the importance of reading food labels here.
7. Ditch the Chemicals
It’s time to ditch those chemicals.
That means taking a look at your personal skin care products and cleaning products and figuring out which ones need to go. Why? Anything on your skin or anything you breathe in is absorbed into your body. Clorox kitchen cleaner, bleach toilet gel, even antibacterial soap… time to say goodbye.
We love Attitude for our personal care products. For cleaning products, vinegar in a spray bottle and a bag of baking soda do wonders!
8. Build Your Immune System
Your immune system directly affects your quality of life.
A weak immune system can make you feel sick all the time. A strong immune system can have you thriving and living life to the fullest. Don’t let a weak immune system slow you down. Life is just too beautiful.
Eating healthy will help build your immune system, but sometimes it needs a little extra support. This is where Organic Elderberry Syrup comes in! We take a daily dose and we’re rarely ever sick. Grab yours here.
9. Use Natural Remedies
Dealing with headaches regularly? Maybe some joint pain too?
My kiddos sometimes have tummy troubles, and as easy as it feels to just grab something from the medicine cabinet, it’s not always what’s best for them.
Instead, we turn to natural remedies. There’re no side effects and I know it’s the best choice for all of us. We love using essential oils for pretty much any ailment. They work wonders! Check out our rollers here. They’re easy to throw in your purse and have on hand.
*Always be sure to consult your doctor before using natural remedies, especially if you’re taking medications or have any medical conditions.
10. Make Time for Community
Community matters. Even if you’re an introvert, connections and friendships can have a positive impact on your health and well-being.
Try getting involved in your community. This could look like volunteering at your church, getting involved in an outreach program or simply carving out time to have lunch with a family member or friend once a month. It’s wonderful for your mental health!
Get Started Now
You don’t have to start with ALL of these right away. The key to holistic living is to go slow and steady. Start with one area and be intentional about it. I promise you’ll start to feel the balance.
My passion is helping you live a healthy and thriving life. I hope this guide helps you to do just that. Here’s to a beautiful future!
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